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A New Era of Construction

In today’s construction many projects over-run their budgets before they are even halfway through. Contrast this to the automotive industry where every car has a pre-determined sticker price prior to purchase. No one should get a nasty price shock after paying for their purchase!

 In the area of building renovations, the initial budget estimate often leaves the project owner returning to the bank for additional financing. This is far too common today. It is easy to see that the way forward is mass production as in the automotive market.

Even expert contractors often order materials, only to discover that the project is short of material. The truth is there’s hardly a company or contractor out there that this hasn’t happened to. Time is our most asset, and it is commonly wasted as contractors are delayed and required to pick up more materials. Automation and component systems solve these problems.

Automated Construction: Modular Block System

Block assembly as a concept is in fact very logical way to repair our slow, expensive and environmentally damaging construction industry. Block design AND assembly removes issues such as cost overruns, theft of materials, schedule delays due to errors, financing delays, environmental damage and even project cancellations. Automated construction creates end-to-end streamlining of the process from design and financing to laying the last block.

Since the overall project is designed with blocks, the software can fit these together like a puzzle. Additionally, thanks to the advent of blockchain, ledgers can be recorded tamper free. Future access then provides exact specifications from these NFTs.  ERC 721s or ERC 1155 tokens can be traced to origin. This data feeds smart cranes and augmented reality (AR) to create and handle engineering standardization.

The world can now witness construction speed and affordability on a previously unknown scale. 

Four Levels Of Operations In Aecros

Firstly, there are builder robots or “drones” for heavy lifting and stacking. Secondly, the Block Exchange Platform brings crypto financing opportunities to members who can instantly access on-chain funding. A third area is Architectural design. Architects can create NFTs of building plans and their blueprinted IP can be safely stored on the Ethereum network. Lastly is factory production and delivery. Block supply is based on production. Production is based on member block purchasing on the exchange, factories match these as production orders.  1000 blocks are enough building a 2800 sq ft house. When a client, for example State Farm, decides to rebuild a group of storm damaged homes, these orders flow into the BEX (Block Exchange) and existing blocks are rapidly delivered to the building sites. Block Members  have access to the Block Exchange to benefit from the resulting Block/NFT trade orders.

From the beginning of production, demand will outstrip supply until shipping can deliver. This will naturally create waiting lists. Member Placeholders will hold these critical supply positions on the exchange. There is no artificial scarcity being created here.

Construction Demands Speed

Did you know that every passing day a new Walmart store is under construction, over a million dollars in earning potential is lost? AC systems are designed to drastically cut the build time. This will save clients many millions in lost revenues per project.

The greater efficiency of block production not only saves wasted material but also saves a lot of time.

Consider how much extra money will be saved by completing building projects 50% sooner. This doesn’t sacrifice quality. These cutting-edge buildings are designed to resist fire, floods, and disasters.  The public will certainly need to Whitelist for Crypto Investment while supplies last.

With all things considered AECROS has a bright future as they begin to revolutionize a $10T a year industry.

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