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Climate Change


Housing Should Resist Climate Change And Should Not Contribute To It Either

Nature is not respected. Poorly build housing is easily destroyed by rot, fires and un-natural disasters. Trees are reduced. Poor quality homes require frequent rebuilding which consumes more. This results in a spiralling effect. The worse the climate change becomes, the more frequently homes are destroyed and the faster forests are consumed to rebuild the homes, this drives greater climate change. The population is ever increasing, which exaggerates these effects. Cut trees which once consumed co2 and helped rainfall are now rotting and producing more co2. Furthermore, no oxygen is produced. Most people need oxygen.

When We Change The Building Method, We Solve Many Problems

automated construction

A Flawed Method Was Once Deemed Acceptable, But Now Is Not

  • Homes are built from trees (forest) + homes easily rot, fail, burn
  • The environment is not respected in the various development stages
  • Forest cover is consumed = materials costs increase + deforestation increases
  • Climate change worsens + further extreme weather causes more damage
  • Damage requires more resources to repair, insurance costs rise
  • More resources are taken from forests and cycle continues to worsen,
  • Housing costs continue to rise (financing/insurance/cost to build)
  • Costs for housing and insurance continue to climb
  • Homelessness and housing costs continue to rise
  • Desertification accelerates (home energy inefficiencies make matters worse)
House Construction

Housing Is In Trouble

  • The environment continues to decline,
  • Waste continues to increase environmental damage
  • People increasingly cannot afford housing + greater debt loads
  • The economy continues to decline
  • Human safety and comfort declines

We Need To Turn Housing Around!

SOLUTION: A New Housing Paradigm Is Required

  • Waste free construction and no forests consumed
  • Trees planted, habitat rebuilt, housing resistant to disasters/fires/rot
  • Saved resources and less damage = lower costs and even less damage
  • Exaggerated effect with new financing model for lower debt load
  • Rapid builds at lower costs = easier home ownership
  • Standard use of green energy for even more cost savings
  • Silent electric air transport is much friendlier to our environment
  • More construction volume drives costs down even further

Deforestation Continues To Get Worse

Wildfires Are Getting Worse, So Why Is the U.S. Still Building Homes With Wood?

Climate Change and Natural Disasters

“High-income countries suffer huge economic losses in disasters, but people in low-income countries pay with their lives.”

The world needs to build more than two billion new homes over the next 80 years