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What is Auto Construction

At time of writing, the cryptocurrency global market valuation is just slightly above $250 billion, while the construction market is in excess of 10 trillion annually.

Construction enters uncharted territory as the industry is backed by real-world assets with a practical utility such as construction and real-estate.

AEC: The Architecture, Engineering, and Construction industry is one of the largest global sectors waiting for disruption by blockchain technology.

A tokenized housing market can increase real-world adoption of crypto currencies and blockchain. This disrupts a 10 trillion-dollar annual industry.

Block Members are supporting the Auto-Construction industry through the Membership Placeholder token. The MP authorizes individuals to partake in a “first of its kind” industrial revolution. History is being made.

What is Block Members?

Block Members uses a reward-based system to offer everyone the opportunity to shape the future of home building. With a team of contributors and investors, Block Members boasts of a track record of research and development in Robotic software Systems and Construction Development going as far back as 1980. Many partners and advisors joined accidentally as field experts were asked to review aspects of the technology, they often joined the ACBM.

Block Members supports and benefits from the Automated Construction industry. This will be achieved through a multidisciplinary approach called AECROS AKA Architecture, Engineering, Construction & Real Estate: Operating System.

Auto Construction will build homes many times faster than legacy construction
and at the same time producing zero waste. Even more importantly, a new home financing method will be created. 

What is AECR: OS 

AECROS is the operating system that combines different technologies to Automate Construction. AECROS engineers are creating a seamless and automated process of building affordable homes.
AECROS “Operating system” will use a combination of artificial intelligence, IoT, robotics VR, BIM & blockchain to create an autonomous home building process financed through a global token economy.

Industrial Revolution 2.0

The Auto-Construction Industry is powered by AECROS to build the intelligent smart homes of the future. Buildings emit almost half of the carbon dioxide in the US alone and construction typically wastes. 30% of the materials and associated labour. This comes at a cost to our environment. 

Through participation Block Members can improve the ecological footprint of the construction industry, and change housing for the better. 

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