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Our Environment Needs Help

We are focused upon creating a positive environmental impact

housing crisis

Our Environment Needs Help

To save existing forests, eliminate waste and improve our urban natural surroundings, the Auto-Construction industry is focused upon creating a positive environmental impact.

It is commonly agreed that AEC (aka: construction) at present produces over 30% materials waste from each residential project. 1.4 trillion in waste is produced annually in construction. Consider that rejected or discarded material also wastes associated labour of producing and discarding it. These are large disadvantages to common construction both in cost, time, and our natural environment. AECROS uses materials and energy efficiently to eliminate a great majority of this waste. This alleviates pressure on landfills with their associated greenhouse gas production. Further time and energy is saved with automated contracts, rapid, efficient transactions, precise logistics tracking and inventory. IOT assists by eliminating losses due to logistical/transport mistakes, accidents and theft. Augmented Reality saves travel time, reducing traffic and wasted fuel, while also preventing mistakes and change orders. Project execution is accelerated through the User Interface, remote site planning and operations.

A New Approach

A subtle but broad reaching aspect of AECROS is the composition of new buildings utilizing a majority of non living materials such as metal, sand and stone. The use of stone and concrete saves forests by replacing wood forming, wood structural framing and wood composite finishing materials. Elimination of wasted time, power, fuel and materials is a direct result of efficient AEC management and creates high quality, long lasting, chemically inert, fireproof, low maintenance smart buildings.

Environmental strategic planning includes the simplest of solutions. Planting trees and gardens in large numbers during each new development creates a greater amount of green space. AECROS builds utilizing inert materials, which do not rot or leak when exposed to water and soil. This facilitates inclusion of edible plants, rooftop gardens and water features in, on, and around buildings without compromising building integrity. Inert materials such as stone, steel and concrete do not poison the home environment (as per toxic paints, plastics, chemical wood treatments and synthetic carpet materials). Plants produce natural oxygen, sequester carbon, clean the air and can produce healthy food. These requirements for human survival are too often ignored in the AEC(R) industry at large.

solar power

Alternative Power Sources

Solar power sources add further to the positive effect we will have on our environment. AECROS networks will utilize this power to its maximum environmental and economic advantage. Efficient use of solar, geothermal heating/cooling sources, bioclimatic engineering, high R (Low U) Values, thermal mass and energy conserving autonomous management systems further enhance energy savings. Fire proof materials prevent accidental fires which create extreme environmental toxins. Fire prevention and strong seismic engineering save human lives. Construction site accidents are yet another common issue that AECROS will prevent.

The human and natural environments will benefit in many ways as AECROS is implemented.

Long Lasting Buildings

A subtle but broad reaching aspect of Auto-Construction is the composition of new buildings utilizing a majority of non living materials such as metal, sand and stone. The use of stone and concrete saves forests by replacing wood forming, wood structural framing and wood composite finishing materials. Elimination of wasted time, power, fuel and materials is a direct result of efficient AEC management and creates high quality, long lasting, chemically inert, fireproof, low maintenance smart buildings.